Frequently asked questions

faq Is the laser that is used in the examination instruments from Heidelberg Engineering dangerous for my eyes?

No. The laser used in our equipment is a class 1 laser.
Class 1 lasers are (usually enclosed) lasers with very low power at a wavelength in the visible light range. With regard to radiation, they are completely safe over a period of 8 hours.
Special protective measures are not required for class 1 lasers.

faq I have doubts about my eye care professional’s diagnosis. To be sure, I would like to get a second opinion. Is that an option?

You have the opportunity at any time to obtain a second expert opinion. Diagnostic decisions should never be made based on only a single examination. Go to see a trusted optometrist in your neighbourhood.

faq I have moved. How will my new eye care professional access my previous records?

Talk with your optometrist. It is possible to transfer data. Every optometrist with the appropriate Heidelberg Engineering instrument can view and evaluate your images.

faq Can I have Heidelberg Engineering interpret the printout of my results?

No. Heidelberg Engineering will not answer any questions on individual symptoms or respond to statements on results. Please always have the printout of your results interpreted by either a qualified optometrist or ophthalmologist.

faq Can I have a preventative eye exam done at Heidelberg Engineering

No. As an instrument manufacturer, Heidelberg Engineering does not conduct any examinations. A professional examination can and must be performed by your optometrist or ophthalmologist. This is absolutely necessary for a precise diagnosis, treatment recommendation, and follow-up. Please visit your local optometrist.

faq How much does a preventative exam cost?

For information on the cost of a preventive eye exam, please contact your local optometrist.